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Free webinar: “Demystifying agile team roles - Product Owner”

Let’s start with a simple quiz!

When people work together to finish a job, such as building a house, the job will:

  1. Finish faster.

  2. Take longer to complete.

  3. Not get done.

That multiple-choice question appeared in a questionnaire that was given to fourth-grade-students in Ohio, and it is how Richard J. Hackman begins his book Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances.

Which do you think is the correct and “obvious” answer?

In that test, the first choice is the right one and demonstrates to a great extent our beliefs: Working in teams is the most efficient way to get stuff done!

According to Hackman, teams can achieve some extraordinary outcomes, innovate, solve hard problems, and generate magic. Yet, his extensive research has shown that despite the resources, capabilities, or talent, teams quite often underperform.

Think for a while your own experiences being part of any team. Have you observed this kind of magic?

Did you produce outcomes you were proud of as a team?

Have you been in a situation where your team was underperforming?

Were you struggling with coordination, motivation, lack of direction, and belonging, etc.?

Introducing “#teamroles for the trenches” a free 8 part webinar

We found ourselves thinking and also getting questions about:

  • What makes a real team? 

  • Which are the expectations of the roles in a team?

  • What about the required structure of the team?

  • The team is all about people. How do they work together better?

Trying to answer the above questions, we decided that it would be great to hear experiences from the trenches.

Listen to stories from real people working in teams, and have experienced that kind of magic or not!

We are excited to welcome you to a new series of free webinars.

Every webinar will host representatives of the roles necessary to enable teams to meet and exceed their goals! 

We’ll discuss and explore the role expectations, responsibilities, challenges. 

We’ll share good practices that you can try in your context to make your team from good to great.

Demystifying the Product Owner

In our first webinar, we examine the Product Owner role. We are honored to have with us Maria Arnaoutaki, Senior Product Manager at Spotify, Maya Toutountzi, Head of Product Management at Transifex and Konstantinos Vasileiou, Senior Product Manager of Workable.

Together we will explore the PO role from the trenches. Our focus will be to get real-life experiences and get practical insights from practitioners with great experience in that role!

  • What should someone expect from a Product Owner? 

  • How could a PO role help and support a team to reach its goals? 

  • What are the role challenges within a team and in a broader organizational context? 

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity. The event will be live on Thursday, May 28th, 2020 at 19:00 EET.

Sign up for the free webinar below.

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